
We’re expecting a baby. What dogs are best suited?

Firstly, congratulations on the arrival of your new baby! And it’s totally understandable that you want to ensure that your baby is safe around your dog. While any dog has the potential to be friendly and loving around babies, some breeds are definitely better suited to being around babies than others. Some dog breeds that are...

Companion Dogs as Therapy

Dogs have long been known as “man’s best friend,” but they have also been used as companion dogs for decades. This is because they provide benefits to individuals with physical, emotional, or mental health issues. Some of the benefits of dogs as companion animals for therapy: Reduced stress and anxiety – studies have shown that...

Why is owning a dog good for me?

Owning a dog can be a wonderful and rewarding experience, and peer-reviewed research has shown it has numerous physical and mental health benefits for their human owners and companions. Here are some reasons why owning a dog is good for you: Increased physical activity: Dogs require regular exercise, which can help to keep their owners...
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+61 426 482 670
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